Friday 10 September 2010

Parish Paella Party Practice!

How's that for alliteration? We are hosting a Paella Party next Friday, to celebrate Pope Benedict's visit to the UK and to welcome all our new parishioners from the ARCC base. Over 20 family are expected to attend and we thought it best to test out our chosen meat paella dish beforehand.  Now I prefer the traditional seafood ladened rice dish but Liz [who's had the original idea to host the party] doesn't like seafood!  We found the recipe for paella de carne on fabulous food website. We were hoping that the name of the website was a good omen, so we both took a copy of the printed recipe home and gave it a try. 
This is my version.

Not the best photo I agree, but the flavours of this dish were lovely, the spiciness of the  chorizo oozed into every grain of rice, the chicken was tender the peppers remained crunchy and sweet.  All we have to do is sort out the quantities for 80 people now... wish us luck!

This one isn't much better, but trust me, the flavours were great!

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