Not the best photo in the world, but I will make this again tonight
Feeds 3 (I cooked just enough for 1 so cut the recipe by a third)
3 skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1 inch chunks about (I used stir fry chicken pieces)
200mls double cream
savoy cabbage (as you can tell by the photo, my cabbage wasn't a dark savoy one)
butter & oil
nutmeg (ideally whole, for grating but I expect ready ground would be fine)
black pepper and sea salt
Use a deepish saute pan (or maybe a wok). Its important to have a close fitting lid, and use a medium flame for gentle cooking. I didn't have a close fitting lid for my wok, but lined the biggest one I had with tin foil, this sat inside the wok and the foil created a seal..job done!)
- Melt butter and add dash of oil.
- Chuck in the chicken, and once sealed fry gently for about five minutes, turning every now and then. While its cooking...
- Finely shred the cabbage taking out the hard stalky centres of the leaves.
- Add a little water (around a medium wineglass full)to the pan to make some steam, (I put the same amount of water in mine...whoops! - see below)
- Throw the cabbage on top in a thick layer,
- Grind black pepper and finely grate nutmeg on top (don't be scared to use quite a bit - its the key to the dish).
- Then clap the lid on to allow the cabbage to steam on top of the chicken.
- After a few minutes it will be bright green and tender.
- Add the double cream to everything in the pan, allow it to briefly bubble, but don't overdo it as it may curdle.
- Add a little sea salt.
- Now eat straightaway - with creamy mashed spuds for the family, and on its own but with loads of the cabbage for me. I probably wouldn't add any other veg as the flavours seem perfect like this. Its pretty too - creamy and green, and really fragrant. Have a go...
Well I did it and it was fabulous! My edits to the recipe are in Blue....and as you can see I put in too much water ...doh, so it had a lot of sauce with it, but seen as I had cut my cabbage into thin long slices, it had the feel of pasta to it, I ate it with a spoon and fork and felt like I'd had a carbonara type dish....delicious, the key to this dish is definitely in the nutmeg flavourings! I will do this again with a darker cabbage next time as suggested in the recipe. Also going to throw a handful of mushrooms in next time too! Thanks Lathy!
Edited to add another photo of Paul's tea tonight.

This time I added mushrooms
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