Monday, 11 February 2008

Chicken Curry & Nepalese Vegetables

I followed the recipe for Bee’s lamb Curry but used left over chicken and mushrooms instead of the lamb and BNS. The side dish I got from a good friend on the Recipezaar web site. I subbed all the vegetable suggestions in her recipe as they weren’t IPD friendly so used BNS, Eddoes & Courgettes. Fantastic flavours to go with the chicken curry.

Please note: I think I've made a booboo with the Eddoes, I thought they were low carb like the Jerusalem artichoke but I may be wrong about that too! :-/


Marie Rayner said...

I am having a heart attack just looking at all this food. I have not started yet, am trying to work out if I should be eating stuff like that when I am on medication for high cholesterol... it just doesn't seem to add up. What do you think?

Tulip said...

Marie, lots of people have found that their levels of cholesterol have come down on the WOE. It looks like a lot of cream and butter and fat etc. but I know how healthy or otherwise my diet was before I started IPD. The butter and sugar in the puddings, the cream in the custard, lard in the pastry, the beer, the wine, the coke with the vodka….do I need to go on? I am eating a million times healthier that I was before and I feel loads better for it.

Peridot said...

I would say I was a foodie but what the hell is an eddoe?


Tulip said...

Peridot - Eddoes are small root vegetables, a bit like potatoes, but not as low carb as I first thought!

Marie Rayner said...

Ohh, I too have never heard of eddoes. I shall have to look out for them! Are they gassy?

Tulip said...

Gassy??? Don't think so. I do know they are high in carbs tho!