We had a brilliant time, this was what our stall looked like, pretty neat huh? We had so much fun and lots of people express an interested in hosting shows and knowing more about the business opportunity. It was a great two days, I spent it talking about my favourite two subjects....food AND pampered chef, I was in my element! So many people have still not heard of pampered chef, and those who had all had positive things to say EXCEPT one....(there's always one!) She claimed pampered chef was dead expensive...do you know there are 83 products under a tenner and 15 under a £5, all products are guaranteed and they all have the pampered chef WOW factor, she was suitably impressed and went away with a mini catalogue and asked me to contact her to book her show! What a lovely lady!

On Sunday we were blessed with cooler weather (I got sun burnt on Saturday) and celebrity chef James Martin had guests queuing at the gate 45 minutes before it opened.
This is Kerry my wonderfully supportive Director with James Martin
I am holding two home shows this month, to show case pampered chef, its such a sociable way to earn a living and will be a great way to see all my lovely products. Everyone who I met at Tewkesbury will be invited along with my friends who have yet to see my show!
These shows are always great fun as I have all my products so you get to see the entire range (almost!) My first show Monday 18th May & the second show Tuesday 26th May both starting at 7:30pm
Please email or ring me to confirm your attendance ...I'd hate to run out of food! (Remember, you're welcome to bring a friend)
Now what shall I cook?
Looks like you had a great time Julie!" James Martin eh? wowow! He's one of my favs!
Wish I could have been there!
Fantastic stall layout Julie!
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