First make the super quick pizza dough (
printable recipe here). I always double the quantity and save one in the freezer for another day.

Roll dough straight onto your pizza stone using a baker roll

Here's my spare one for the freezer. I rolled it straight on to my rectangular stone
Open freeze it directly on the stone, when frozen insert the long spreader between stone and pizza and lift frozen dough from stone. Wrap in greaseproof or pop in a freezer bag, date and label before storing back in the freezer!

Added grated cheese
My kids were being boring and wanted it plain but this is the time to heap on the toppings!

Cook it in the oven on 200c for 20 - 25 mintues or until the topping is bubbling and golden.

The Pampered Chef pizza stone cooks the dough to perfection, it was crispy right through to the soggy bottoms in this house!!!

Make double sauce, it freezes well and can be served with your spare pizza base OR heated and stirred through pasta
I would love to have a pizza stone Tulip. It's been on my wish list for a very long time now. Hope you have a successful day! XXOO
MMM. That pizza looks great! I've saved your recipe for the sauce. I love how you incorporated vegs into it!
I love my PC roller, and I've also got the PC stone and holder thingy.
Marie - the pizza stone is wonderful, I use it ever such a lot. You can always order online?!
Susan - The sauce is great, try adding chili and a carton of passatta, makes it less child friendly but amazing
Nic - I love my pc roller too, I made flax seed crackers today and rolled them straight in the pan..easy as anything!
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