Saturday, 7 June 2008

Faux Pancakes (Page 62)

Looks like the real thing!

Looks and tastes like a healthier version of the originals, lovely spread with cold butter. I toasted them the next day and hit the spot again. I didn't use splenda, so they could have done with being a bit sweeter, but a great vehicle for favourite toppings. The batch made loads, which two of us could eat in a couple of days...should have checked to see if we could freezer them, but sadly we wasted half of them. Must check out Bee's frozen list!


  1. Color me bewildered. They look like pancakes to me, but no one puts cold butter on pancakes. Mind giving me a hint? giggle
    And the recipe you if you don't mind.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I had them when hot and the butter melted, but when they were cold I buttered them with cold butter and they were lovely...I miss that bit about eating bread, thick cold butter.....ahhhh! The recipe is in the Idiot Proof Diet book, think it might be on the forum too!

  3. Tulip, they look like oat pancakes except thicker.
    I saw something very similar on Rick Steins show months ago.
    Even so, they do look yummy with the butter on.

  4. They look mighty tasty Tulip! Must give these a try.


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