Sunday, 8 June 2008

A simple seasonal supper

Steak, sauted celeriac, fresh asparagus with a mushroom and Gorgonzola sauce. Deeeelicious!


  1. THis food looks far too tasty to be good for you! They took me off my cholesterol medication though because of all the muscle pain it was causing me so I need to be really careful now about this. No cream or butter for me!

  2. That all looks rather yummy!

  3. What a lovely supper dish Tulip, it looks delicious.

  4. Dribble, dribble, dribble - may have to do this for my mum later in the week (we are both on the pink path!)
    May subsitite the celariac for mashed cauli though as I haven't been able to get any celeriac for a while.


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