Sunday, 19 September 2010

The day I went to see the Pope...

 A camera shy Jo before boarding the bus!

 Waiting for Pope Benedict XVI to arrive at Hyde Park

 Not the best photograph in the world,
but this was the cookies we baked to take with us as part of our picnic

 Part of base camp for Our Lady's Parish, it was so nice getting to spend time with other parishioners from Our Lady's. Thanks for sharing it with me!

It was a truly amazing day. The atmosphere was wonderful and I feel really blessed that I was able to go.  I loved every minute of it! 
A HUGE thank you has to go to our parish priest, Fr. Kevin for making it possible  for us to be part of such a fabulous day - YOU'RE THE BEST - 57 people, one coach, 4 tube trains a walking bus and two wheelchairs all the way to Hyde park without any mishaps or lost persons.... AMAZING... me thinks he's done it before!!! ;-)


  1. Amazing and lovely post Tracy! xx gloria

  2. how blessed you were to be able to go to Hyde park ~ what a wonderful day that must have been ~ Ally x

  3. What blessing Julie! I know how special this must have been for you. I know how I would feel if I got the chance to see our Prophet in person. I did get to see one, President Hinckley, shortly after I was baptised and it was an amazing experience, so I know exactly how wonderful this was for you!!! xxoo


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