Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Pampered Chef Flapjacks

Can't decide...

Which photo to post...

So you've got them all!!!!

Flapjacks are going down too well in my house at the moment. They are just so easy to make and if the truth be known, I'm feeling a bit flash at how well they turn out EVERYTIME!!! I know its all in the stoneware and measure-all cup but shhhhh don't tell the family!!! The secret of good flapjacks is, I believe, in the golden syrup, if you put too much in you won't get your teeth through them, if you put to little in your flapjack will fall into your lap before you can get it near your mouth!!! What's t' do??? Get yourself a measure all cup and put the correct amount of gloopiness into your flapjack!!!
I've posted on this before, so here's the link should you want to get hooked on making them!
Please note: In the interest of kids teeth and the generally unhealthiness of sugar, you can cut it down by half in this recipe and they still turn out top notch!!!


  1. LOoks good Julie, looks good!!

  2. Love the look of these Julie!! BTW is gloopiness a techincal term??


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