Saturday, 23 August 2008

I'm so proud of my 13 year old!

When I nipped out to Morrison's I left Jo with her head in the fridge....when I got back she had cooked herself this....

Ready for the oven

She said I could post it here on the condition that she gets credit for it!

"No palming it off as your own" were her exact words...cheek of it, as if I would!


  1. Way to go Jo!!! Well done! Impressive!

  2. Looks great Jo! Well done you!

  3. New chef on the rise?!
    Yummm... looks like she's going to do great!

  4. Like mother, like daughter! Great looking pizza!

  5. Well done you....and just 13yrs old. We have a new up and rising chef in the making.


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