Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Turkey Sizzlers

Not unlike the turkey twizzlers I serve the kids, I usually sprinkle them with oil, garlic and herbs and thread them onto skewers to make them more fun for them.
These were brilliant, the Cajun seasoning gave them a bit of a kick, I cooked them on my stoneware pan so didn't need to turn them over. I served them with a green salad and lots of mustard-y mayo...unfortunately they didn't make it to the freezer but they were so quick to cook I won't mind making them again from fresh.
Out of the 3 turkey escallops suggested in the book, I made 4 lunch time salads.


  1. Those Turkey Sizzlers look really tasty with that salad Tulip.

  2. Now that is my kind of salad Tulip!


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