Thursday, 12 June 2008

Millionaire's Shortbread

I rolled my shortbread IN the stoneware baker

with new pampered chef rolling pin, right to the edge, no mess, no fuss and it turned out very even, I also used the pastry tool to prick it before it went into the oven.

I couldn't post a photo of the finished dish (I heard the thankful sigh of relief from all you IPD'ers) but the kids got to it before my camera did!!!


  1. Your sausages make me wish I was eating sausage these days and I would so have loved to see the finished shortbreads, but it's probably good that I didn't. I swear looking at food photos makes you gain weight!!!

  2. Marie, its good you didn't see the finished'd have had to go and make it for was fantastic! Remember you can get beef sausages too and you could always make your own!

  3. I love that little rolling pin widget-thingie! Mom has a wooden one that we have had for years and years, it is probably older than me. We like to use it to roll pizza dough out. I have a stoneware pan that I got from King Arthur that I use for shortbread - it has designs in the bottom, all Celtic.


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