Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Aubergine & Red Pepper Muffins

As simple to make as the others, but its official I DON'T LIKE AUBERGINES!!!! I have tried them in lots of dishes, cooked in different ways and I still don't like the texture or the flavour. I offered these to my visiting twiggers on Saturday and they all thought they were great...and they were cold straight from the fridge. Well Dido did heat one up in the microwave and she said it heated up well, so it must be me....me and aubergines will never be friends!


  1. Don't feel bad, Tulip - I am not on friendly terms with them either. I am allergic to them, they make my mouth and throat swell up. Red peppers and feta cheese would be nice, tho!

  2. They're not my absolute favourites either. The only good thing about them is they are like sponges and soak up all the lovely flavours of whatever you put with them!

  3. yeah but Marie, its the texture of it when it has sucked up all those juices....they go all slimy!! Bleurgh!!


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