Monday, 21 April 2008

Smoky Frittata

Smoked Sardines (I thought it was mackerel)

Eggs, cream & fresh chives

Hot pan, foaming butter

Golden brown on top

Perfectly cooked frittata

A slice served with a green salad would be perfect for lunch
It would even sit well in your lunchbox


  1. I am not sure why but I've never really taken to the flavour of smoked fish. I see you have started a little business for yourself! Well done Tulip! I wish you all the best and hope it is a runaway success for you! (((hugs)))

  2. Thanks Marie. So many people have said they wished I help them or wished I would cook for them. Lots of enquires so far, so I'm really pleased. But you know me, I love to cook.
    See you on the 17th..not long now!


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