Monday, 7 April 2008

Bacon Butties!!!

Oopsie Rolls don't have the texture or taste of bread but it held the bacon in this buttie beautiful. Its a light texture which is difficult to describe, not eggy at all. You really need to try these to believe how nice and versatile they really are.


  1. Mmmmmmmmoreishly delicious looking! You can't beat a bacon buttie! I hope you've managed to sort all your blogger problems. Looks good to me!

  2. All sorted now, thanks Marie! Bacon butty does look good doesn't it? I'm loving these Oopsie rolls. Have you started this WOE yet?

  3. That looks like a great way to start the day.

  4. What a Breakfast...

  5. Now that's a nice bacon buttie! Are you doing some tomorrow - what time shall I call in??!

  6. Sadly not Jan! I have ran out of Oopsie rolls. Will have to make another batch, I want to see if I can make elephants feet out of them. Nope, I haven't gone mad, that is what we call those large round eclair type cakes!

  7. your oopsie rolls look more puffy than mine... wonder why mine went wrong... :(

  8. Oh yeah, HTB, I see what you mean. Did you whip your whites until very stiff, put the correct amount of cream of tartar in?
    I also piled mine up into quite high mounds before cooking (see photo)What about your oven temp?
    If you answered yes to all of the above...I have no idea...try making them again...second time lucky and all that. Very versatile though aren't they?


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