Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Jimmy's Farm rare breed belly pork with a Joe Collier twist

Rolled Belly Pork - Cheap as chips and tasty as hell!

 He skinned it and liberally rubbed it with a mix of ground black pepper and garlic granules before rolling it up. He topped it with a mix of ginger, lemon, coriander. A great tip he gave us was to use the same many skewers as we had portions. (Which would have worked if me and Marie hadn't decide to cut the joint up and share it!)  However if you're doing it at home, space your skewers out to determine portion size, once cooked just cut through the meat.

Makes my mouth water just looking at this photo!

I  roasted it at 170c for 40mins with a good 10 minutes resting time and it turned out delicious. I cut in between the skewers and each portion was prettily displayed on the plate.  This was full of great flavours, at the time I thought he was a little heavy handed with the pepper, far more than I would have added at home but once cooked it was delightful, not too peppery but with a great kick! The Asian inspired flavours he used on top of the joint were just perfect too, I have never had belly pork taste so good. The fat rendered down and became lovely and crispy and left the meat moist and full of flavour.
A great start to my week of eating pork!
I served it with a mix of steamed vegetables, Jo had parboiled potatoes roasted in the pork dripping...which looked amazing!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yours turned out fabulous Julie!! Wowsers!! Much nicer than my pork jerky! I can well imagine that the potatoes roasted in pork fat were fabulously delish!! Mmm... just the thought! Scrummy!


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