Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Ryvita Crackers

I had these sent to me before Easter and I can't believe its taken me so long to try them....!

As my regular readers will no I'm not supposed to eat wheat, its the trigger to my IBS so I avoid it at all most costs...!

I was asked to review these and I explained that I don't eat wheat but hubby does and would be honoured to do my dirty work for me!!!

I served it as it came, with cheese, biscuits and garden chutney and a large glass of red. I had the same but with a plate full of my Judy's linseed bread crackers

Well, what did he think?

I heard him before anything else, making mmm... nom nom nom noises with his mouth so full of biscuit I couldn't resist... I had to have one.... Oh wow... he was right, they were soo crunchy, more so than his usual type of square cracker biscuit! Great flavours, crisp, held its own when piled high with toppings and wasn't too dry when eaten alone.  We were both really impressed. As you can see by the table, we made short work of them.... they were his biscuit of choice and didn't venture into the tin for other brands and left my linseed ones uneaten!

A great big thumbs up.... he's even asked me to buy these again instead of his usual ones... result! Mr Tulip can be a bit of a stickler for his favs!!!

Ryvita - 10 out of 10 !

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