Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Day 8


Breakfast - Cheese and Mushroom Omelette's

You can get the recipe and watch how Jamie Oliver makes the perfect omelette, by clicking on the highlighted text, just don't use a metal spatula on a non stick pan like he does!!!

Snack - Ham and mozzarella roll ups

Lunch - leftover chicken and Okra Curry & Cauliflower rice

Dinner - Courgette 'Spagetti' with a smoked salmon and tartare sauce

So simple to make. 
Use one large courgette per person and sprialize it, turning it into spaghetti shapes. Mix a small pot of creme fraiche with 2 tablespoons of homemade tartare sauce  black pepper, dill and chopped smoked salmon and mix well. A great low carb / wheat free meal!


  1. I just had The Hairy Bikers Cauliflower Cheese with mushrooms and bacon. :-) Lovely!

  2. Oh QC, I don't have their book, how do they make the cheese sauce? Sounds lovely!


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