Monday, 14 March 2011

Day 6

I've been dry for 2 weeks.... don't make the joke about pampers / pull ups or being a big girl now, its all been done!!!

No alcohol and no wheat, how am I feeling?  Ruddy fantastic, much more energy, no IBS, my skin is clearer, eyes brighter and I have a wet nose and a waggy tail... oh sorry, got a bit carried away there!!!!

Breakfast - This one of Paul's favourites, thick cut bacon with a cauliflower mash. This is a fab breakfast, very filling, very tasty and it lasts me all the way into a late lunch, so no snacking needed.

All you need to do (the night before) is steam small cauliflower florets until tender, mash with butter and a little cream, salt and pepper. Cool and refrigerate until the next morning. I then microwave it and serve with the bacon OR  sprinkle with cheese and pop in a hot oven until the top is crispy and golden.
This is my week's menu, there may be a few changes if i run out of things or I fancy something else, but I have nearly all the stuff to make the following....
Snack - 2 Kabanos sausages

Lunch - Salmon and Broccoli bake (recipe in the pink book)
(Only half of this bake, Paul had the other half)

Dinner - Sausage casserole and spring greens.
Originally Bee's recipe from the pink book!
A really easy dish to prepare, fry off little balls of sausage meat in oil, until they form a lovely brown crust, drain on kitchen paper and add shredded leeks cooking them until they are soft, add the sausages back in, (you could add mushrooms at this stage if you fancy!) Add a tin of tomatoes and a squirt of tomato puree, bring to a gentle boil then simmer adding a teaspoon of red wine to the mix. Serve it with steamed buttered cabbage, its delicious and very filling.

Today I have drank my 8 large glasses of water, two coffees, and still NO ALCOHOL!!!!
I haven't walked or cycled today, but I have been on the go since 6am this morning... does that count?


  1. I just had scrambled egg with goats cheese. I am going to make a trip to the market and buy some cauliflowers and some butternut squash.

    I did have a few glasses of cava yesterday but it's back to the world of teetotalness today!

  2. Hi QC - I love goats cheese, really should do more with it, might pick some up the next time I'm shopping and search for some more recipes to use it in!


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