Saturday, 12 March 2011

Day 4 - Lazy Man's burden!!!

Day 3 and I'm feeling good, the bloated feeling of late has gone and I'm feeling lighter on my feet, no headache to speak of and I'm looking forward to the next couple of days cooking snacks and meal for the week ahead!

Breakfast - A full English in my rectangle baker. Today I  made it suitable for a lazy man and his wife to eat in bed!  I nipped downstairs, threw it all into the stoneware  set the timer for 20 minutes and went back to bed to read my book, when the buzzer went of, I left the book, went and added mushrooms and tomatoes and popped it back in the oven for a further 10 minutes. This gave me just enough time to sort out the coffee, breakfast tray and fry a couple of eggs. Once it had all cooked nicely, I chopped it up into bite size pieces so as to make it easy to eat with a fork and delivered it to the lazy boy who was sat up in bed waiting.
We've had a great morning, the sun was shinning through the window, breakfast was eaten one handed with a book in the other, what a way to start the weekend.

Lunch -  Antipasto - was on the cards but after a late big breakfast, I didn't want anything, I think I had a piece of cheese when I made the kids french bread and cheese!

Dinner - Prawn and Okra Curry with Cauliflower rice didn't happen, the family had spag bol and garlic bread and I had the sauce let down to a stew like consistency with a topping of Parmesan cheese!

Lots of water and feeling good!

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