Thursday, 10 March 2011

Day 2

Breakfast was an impulse.... I was making sandwiches for Jo, there was a small bowl of tuna mayonnaise with diced cucumber left and I just fancied it.. so had it, just like that scooped out of the bowl with a spoon and washed it all down with lots of hot water... yep, no coffee, just hot water from the kettle. Very refreshing!

Lunch was scrambled eggs with garlic butter, spring onion and cheese :

This recipe serves 1 hungry person.
3 large eggs
3 teaspoons double cream
1 dash of salt
1/2 Tablespoon butter for frying

  1. Heat a 20" saute pan to a setting just above medium.
  2. In the classic batter bowl, whisk the eggs with the milk and salt. Beat vigorously for 1 minute.
  3. Allow the mixture to set for a couple minutes to let the foam settle.
  4. Melt the butter in the frying pan. As the very last of the butter is liquefying, add the egg mixture.
  5. Do not stir immediately. Wait until the first hint of setting begins.
  6. Using a spatula or a flat wooden spoon, push eggs toward center while tilting skillet to distribute runny parts.Continue this motion as the eggs continue to set.
  7. Break apart large pieces as they form with your spoon or spatula.
  8. Flip over all the eggs. Allow the eggs to cook 15 to 25 seconds longer.
  9. Transfer eggs to serving plate.
  10. Add salt and pepper, grated cheese and finely sliced spring onions to taste
Dinner - Leg lamb chop with mixed green veg and mint butter

Marinate the meat in mint infused oil before slapping it on a hot griddle pan for 3-4 minutes each time (we like ours still pink inside)
I lightly steamed mange tout, french beans and broccoli and drizzled with mint butter


No photos of the actual meal today as we were all starving and I'm sure I'd have been lynched if I'd have attempted to get the camera out.  Now I need to drink a bit more water as I've been busy and forgot :-(

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great Julie! I love reading about all that you have eaten in a day. It inspires me! xxoo


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