Sunday, 23 May 2010

Portuguese Custard Tarts

I first heard of these when Claire's friend, who is Portuguese, came back from holiday and brought her a homemade one! Claire raved about it... so i thought they must be good, coz Claire doesn't rave too much about cakes, she's a take it or leave it sort of girl!!! She has since had them in Nandos but while they are nice, she declares them not as good!

Well imagine my surprise when I was looking through an Australian Woman's Weekly Cake Cookbook (Thanks Cathy, a gift from her first trip to see her Sister!) when I came upon the recipe for them... couldn't resist trying the recipe out and maybe earning some Mummy brownie points! A quick internet search and I found the recipe along with all the other Australian Woman's Weekly recipes here, Phew that saved me a job of  typing it up!

The verdict was a big thumbs up, the filling was sweet, but not too sweet, the flavour of the vanilla with a faint hint of lemon had a delicate oozy scrumptiousness about it, the pastry was light and buttery! Only problem was, by the time Claire had tried one, then taken 3 for friends and me and Paul had scoffed a couple just to make sure we liked them... they were all gone!

Time to make some more...


  1. Those are a real favourite around here Julie! We love em! Yours look fab! YOu and Jo have a place to stay anytime, just come on up! xxoo

  2. Yum yum, custard tarts. I've read about the Portuguese variety on a number of blogs now - is someone trying to tell me something!

  3. Marie - thank you, we are planning our summer road trip soon!

    Choclette - Maybe you need to make some soon, they are delicious!!

    Amy - Like most of my recipes there is a link on the page... usually saying recipe can be found 'here' click on the 'here' and it will take you to the recipe! Good luck with making them, I'm sure you will love them like we did!


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