Monday, 15 February 2010

I have a new toy....

The Ultimate Mandoline is the ultimate in design. The safety feature gives you perfect peace of mind that your digits will be safe throughout your food prep!!!

You see the mandoline slider has to be attached to the base at all times as the slider passes over the blade, it pushes down 2 spring loaded levers on each side of the blade. This raises the blade for cutting, but lowers it flush to the base when exposed...clever huh?

Kids, rushed cooks, people having a try at my shows can all use any of the four blades; straight edge, v-shaped, crinkle, and grater safe in the knowledge that the only thing they will cut is the food.

As you can imagine, it’s been pretty well used since its arrival. We have sliced just about everything with this tool, firm tomatoes for topping a pizza, onions were sliced so thin in seconds for our onion gravy. I’m sure they are going to make onion bhaji's making a doddle next time!

Celeriac and potatoes we prepared with no fuss at all for our dauphinoise potatoes Carrots, cucumbers, green bell peppers, the list goes on and on…

Plus there is a grating feature for cheeses, which coped amazingly with carrot for a salad, courgette for the secret ingredients for my chocolate cake, even beetroot for the added extra in the muffins!!!!

A non-skid foot easel for the counter top means its not going to slip. You can also click the easel flat to slice over a bowl or plate, and all four of the interchangeable blades fit into its own little blade garage which clips on to the unit itself making it all neat and streamline. It has a handle on the top for keeping your grip while in use, or hanging on the wall. I keep mine to hand in the space made for hanging my tea towels, this way its not pushed to the back of a cupboard and will always get used.

I’ve got to say that even though its dishwasher safe, its very easy to wash by hand, just run it under the tap as soon as you’ve used it and then its ready to use again. So simple to clean, much better than my food processor!


  1. I have an old one I bought at Aldi, a number of years back. I do like the looks of this PC one though. How much do they cost??

  2. Such a great gadget to have!


    Marie, its £65 and guaranteed for 3yrs, I can give you 10% discount, coz I love ya - or email me and I'll tell you how to get it for half price!

    Jan - I didn't think I'd use it as much as I have, I love it!!!!


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