Saturday, 21 November 2009

Hot and Sour Shiitake Soup

I tackled my fear of soup making a couple of years back, took the stock pot by the handles and became pretty dab had at smooth thick comfort food type soups. Spicy pumpkin with smoked salmon, broccoli and stilton, Broccoli ham and cheese, beef and spicy tomato to name but a few!

The other day I saw this hot and sour shiitake soup on Simon Rimmer’s Dinners programme and was hooked…it looked fresh and tasty and the difference to my normal soups was it was a clear broth type of soup with things floating in it!!! I adapted it to what I had in the fridge but followed the basic recipe with great results.

I only had about 25g of shiitake mushrooms so used regular ones, then added strips of roast chicken and right at the end I added a handful of bean sprouts as I didn’t have any beanshoots.
The first bowl we had I didn’t add the egg. The second I did and it was a little more filling but didn't look quite as good.

Great tasting soup, love the lumps and floaty bits and the broth was great, hot from the ginger, sour from the white wine vinegar and the homemade chicken stock made all the difference! Fear over....I'm off to source some other watery soup with floaty bits recipes !!!


  1. Looks like my kind of soup Julie. Very Yummy. I made mushroom soup last night too, not as good as yours though.


  2. That looks really tasty Julie!! I could eat a bowl right now! It looks so yummy!


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