Friday, 17 July 2009

Cauliflower Pizza AGAIN!

For all who follow my IPD friendly recipes, I feel as if I've neglected you some what over the last few months. I am still eating healthy, carbs are low, weight is maintaining but new recipes are thin in the ground at the moment.

Since Mr TF went to work away I must admit to not being very adventurous, I pack up his weekly food on a Sunday evening then concentrate on feeding the rest of the family in the week. I am eating lots of salads, lots of IPD friendly picky bits and maybe some good carbs once or twice a week, alcohol consumption has fallen dramatically as I don't tend to drink on my own but that's all good too!

A firm favourite of mine has got to be the cauliflower pizza, the flavours are just unbeatable, the fennel in the base just take it to another level. Its also great cold or heats up well so the left overs can be packed up for Paul. I'm going to start making these in individual sizes and freeze them so I've always got something to hand!

cauliflower & fennel pizza base ready for the oven.
Pre cooked base, edges turning brown and crispy!
Homemade sauce grated cheddar and mozzarella then topped with pepperoni

Crispy base with crunchy browned edges, just how I like it!

The base crisps up nicely on the pampered chef pizza stone.

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