Thursday, 16 April 2009

The Sweetener Taste Test

This is it, once and for all, I'm going to get to the bottom of this sweetener lark. My daughters are now at the tea drinking stage...with two sugars!!!! I have never allowed them to drink tea or coffee while growing up but teenagers have a mind of their own!!! I am encouraging them to use a sweetener over sugar...not sure I like the idea of filling them with chemicals BUT I can't control everything!!!! (believe me, I've tried...give you such a headache!!!)

As a low-carber I am face with recipes using sweeteners all the time, but hate them, avoid them like the plague, the after taste is YAK!!! But after making the moist muffins from one of Amanda's recipe sites, I really want to get to the bottom of this, so...I have bought all three sweeteners and intend to try more from her site using them all! Results will follow in a while!

Hermesetas £2.69 for 90g

Tesco's own 97p for 75g

Canderel £2.25 for 75g

Silver Spoon's Sweetness & Light £2.14 for 75g

If you have an opinion on any of these, please do get in touch I'd love to know what others think too.

I have another reason for doing this; apart from the teenagers sweet tea, and my aversion to sugar in my attempt to stay low carb. My in-laws have just been diagnosed with border line diabetes and BOTH have an amazingly sweet tooth. If I can make cakes and biscuits with a sweetener and they don't know its not sugar I'm on to a winner!!!! Watch this space!!!


  1. Tulip I used tesco for years and Morrisons and they were just as good as the expensive ones , I used them in cooking too , But I worried about them too and graduually cut them down until I was using none

    Wee xx

  2. Tulipe, in my efforts to find an artificial sweetener that has no effect on blood sugar levels I bought 2 types of Stevia. I've tried this one:
    It is very hard to get a standard "dose" as you will need a chemical spoon to measure it out. It has a bitter side taste. A no then. I also bought the stevia blend granulated from the same site (125g) but it turned out to be cut with erythritol. I can't get carb content figures and it sure works out pricey. I will essay it and report back if you are interested.

  3. Sally - I didn't place a photo of splenda here because I don't like it. The aftertaste is awful so I won't be using it. The 4 I have listed are the ones I have in the cupboard.

    Anon - That sounds interesting, not sure if I'd go to that much trouble. I dont' use it in my drinks its just for baking...which really I should be able to do

  4. I think everyone's taste buds must be different.. I don't like Stevia and prefer Splenda, but I don't like using it, keep it to a minimum. If you can get rid of your sweet tooth altogether it can only be a good thing. The muffins are nice, not because they are sweet, but because they are 'cakey' and spongey, and really handy for a snack or treat, so it's more of a texture thing. You might be able to get away with no sweetener if you have the raspberry ones.

  5. Amanda - you're right it is the cakey texture I like, I'm not a sweet tooth and probably I'd like it without, must try the raspberry ones! The in-law would have to have sweetener tho...they didn't become borderline diabetics by low carbing you

  6. Thanks for the reply Tulip- I quite like Splenda, but like you have the sugar v sweetener debate for tea with my own teenagers. Which is worst-potential weight gain and teeth problems or putting chemicals into them?I have to say I've gone the sugar route, as it seems the lesser of two evils :)

  7. Sally - its only just become a problem. I always keep sugar to a minimum, homemade cakes, biscuits etc...but its the tea issue, their friends started the onto it and made it with sugar so thats how they take it now! Just been on the forum and we are discussing non chemical sweeteners so I'm off to do a bit of research on that! That may be the way forward!

  8. Hi, Tulip! STEVIA!! Not sure where you can get it over there but you can get it here in health food stores. Here's a website: They've got recipes for cooking with it. It's also marketed as Truvia here's the website for it:
    I've used this in my tea for several years and just love it. I've only noticed a bitter taste if it've gotten some of it all by itself. It's for sale at the pharmacy where the docs are here and touted as beneficial for diabetics. Hope you will be able to get some. I've also seen xylitol (not sure I spelled that right) in health food stores too, but I've never tried it.

  9. I have never found a sweetner that I like, they either are too too sweet or jsut dont taste good at, and then there is the aftertaste. YUK. I do use them in baking, but for coffee (dont do tea) I use old fashioned sugar. If I was drinking a lot of coffee I would put up with the sweetner, but I rarely have anymore than 2 a day. (One sugar per cup)

  10. It will be interesting to see what results you have Julie. My good friend Jacquie back home always swore by Stevia. She used it for all her baking.

  11. Hi Tulip

    I use Splenda myself, but only in tea...I've never really liked the results in cakes. As to the dilema as to whether to use sugar or sweetener....I have it from a lady Prof at work that aspartame (the chemical name fro Splenda,etc) is one of the worst things you can put in your body. Unfortunately I can't remember all the details she gave me, but I do know it was scarey!!

  12. i use stevia you can get it in the uk


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