Friday, 6 March 2009

Is so exhausting being fabulous!

By the time you are reading this I will be heading up the M-what ever it is to the beautiful Lake District for a fabulous pink pig2twig weekend. Its going to be F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S Darhlings!!!!!
Mr Tulip will spend the weekend walking and eating (all IPD friendly of course!) I will be chatting to other IPD's, swapping recipes, talking my type of food and having a thoroughly good time!!! Oh and did I mention vodka? I think that might make an appearance somewhere along the weekend too!
I will take lots of photos and tell you all about it when I get back.
Lots of love and kisses


  1. Sounds like you are going to have a wonderful weekend ~ enjoy and have a safe journey ~ Looking forward to seeing pictures ~ Ally x

  2. sounds wonderful tulip!! I just know u will hav a scrummy time! Can't wait to see some pics when you get back! Safe journies!

  3. Hi there Julie. just popped in to say ahve a good weekend. Though its 2.20am for you now and your Friday night is over Im sure you had a ball. You Deserve it.


  4. Missed this on Friday....hope you are having (or had) a great time!!


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