Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Another photo of...

My breakfast! We do eat things other than a full English...honest! But I can't get enough of my one pan breakfasts. Its so easy, the sausages go in first, in this case I used slices of sausage meat, then after 7 minutes I added the bacon, 5 minutes after that, in went the tomatoes and mushrooms which had been spritz with oil before cooking for another 5 minutes. Last to go in was the eggs, 3 minutes and all was done! 20 minutes is all it takes to have me tucking into my breakfast with no mess, no smoke alarm going off, no big timing issues or masses of washing up to be done.
I really can't get enough of this sort of cooking or eating for that matter! I promise, I'll cook something else soon!


  1. As always Tulip, your breakfast looks to die for! (no pun intended!)

  2. Oh Tulip - what a scrummy breakfast! It makes my bacon, eggs and tomato look positively mean!

  3. Megan, I didn't eat it all on my own, I shared it with Mr Tulip!!!

    Marie - At 60kg and a BMI of 24.2 with no cholesterol problems my breakfast is keeping me slim and healthy and its stopped me needing my elevensies, I can go all the way through till lunch without a biscuit!!


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