Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Evenly cooked Flapjacks

1 cup Butter. (roughly 8oz!!!)
1 cup Demerara Sugar.
6 tablespoons Golden Syrup.
4 cups porridge Oats.
¾ cup of flavouring. (I use my favourite muesli but you could add dried fruit)

1. Preheat oven to 180c degrees.
2. Measure dry ingredients using the Easy Read Measuring Cups.
3. Use the kitchen spritzer to lightly oil a medium bar pan
4. Melt butter in a 2.8l pan and stir in the sugar and syrup. (use Measure-All Cup to weigh the golden syrup)
5. Add the oats and flavourings and stir well.
6. Using the large spreader press mixture evenly over the greased medium bar pan and smooth over.
7. Bake for 20 mins.
8. Cool for 15 minutes and score into bars with the pizza cutter.
9. When completely cool turn out.

*Medium bar pan cooks everything evenly, no more burnt edges and soggy middles!*Recipe is made easy by measuring in cups


  1. James is asleep on the sofa, so I'm going to try flapjacks in stoneware for the first time. My last lot were to chewy (So Alex informed me!). Jen x

  2. How quick was that with the easy view cups & measure all cup! It's now in the oven, great idea to use the large spreader, much better than a knife! I'm keeping my fingers crossed, the perfect flapjack has always evaded me, not that I can taste them :(

    Alex can rate them when he gets home. Jen

  3. Alex gave Mummy 100 out of 10 for the flapjacks. Alex said "Lovely and brilliant". Jen xx

  4. Hey hey Jen, you are the new flapjacks queen!!! They are so quick and easy with the measure all and cups. Love using the large speader saves lots of time and givea better finish too!
    Glad Alex & James loved them.


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