Saturday, 3 January 2009

Two weeks to a healthier me...

Well, I have scoured my cupboards, seen what I have already got, made a shopping list of the things that I need and I'm all set to do a two week phase 1 from Neris & India's Idiot proof Diet book (For anyone who hasn't read the book...its on sale on Amazon £4.99) I'm going to spend the weekend re-reading it so I'll be in a good frame of mind come Monday.

Now I'm not overweight, I reached my target weight of 9 stone back in the summer and thankfully over Christmas I only gained 3lbs, but its funny where those pounds sleeves are feeling a little tight, my jeans are pulling on the thighs and I have that bloated yakky feeling of having eaten too much of the wrong things...suppose the baileys had a lot to do with that bit Mr T-F also had a bit of a scare...he ran out the bathroom screaming like a girl...he's put on a lot more than 3lbs over Chrimbo!!! (That'll be the beer then?)

I'll post the menu at the end of this post and then its onwards and 'downwards', weight wise that is. All the recipes are either mine, (and I'll post them) from a website, where I'll post the link or and this is the most probable one, from the pink cookbook where I'll post a page number and Bee's book or indeed her recipes on the pig2twig forum (Its free to join)

Don't forget all the green text is links to relevant pages...have a click see where it takes you!

And finally, just to answer a couple of queries. I don't get paid for my blog, there's no adverts and I'm not on commission in anyway. I just love this way of eating, Bee's recipes and Neris & India diet and blogging is just good healthy fun!
Now for my menu

Breakfast - Cheese & Mushroom Omelette's
Snack - Bee’s Scotch Eggs (Bee's book)
Lunch - Leek & Parmesan Soup (Recipe to follow)
Dinner - Bee’s New recipe Lamb Curry from the forum

Breakfast - Cauliflower Mash & Bacon
Snack - Red Onion & Double Gloucester Tarts
Lunch - Mushroom & Walnut Soup I leave out the carrots & sherry wine
Dinner - Gammon & Leek Fritters served with homemade garlic mayonnaise I subbed grated swede for the potatoes and used ground almonds instead of the breadcrumbs.

Breakfast - Cauliflower Mash & Bacon (Paul’s favourite, so must have it twice!)
Snack - Red Onion & Double Gloucester Tarts
Lunch - Ham, Leek & Blue Cheese Pie (Page 159 in the pink book)
Dinner - Another Sausage Casserole with Butter Cabbage (Page 158 in the Pink Cookbook)

Breakfast - Bacon & Avocado Melts (Page 56 Pink Cookbook)
Snack - Cheese cubes & crudités with Homemade Garlic Mayonnaise
Lunch - Oopsie Rolls with Cheese n homemade coleslaw
Dinner - Butter Chicken with buttered spinach (Page 148 in Pink Cookbook)

Breakfast - Creamed Mushrooms on Almond Bread Toast(recipe on the forum)
Snack - Nuts
Lunch - Oopsie Rolls with Ham & Mustard
Dinner - Bacon, Brussels & Brie (From the IPD forum on the sticky budget thread)

Breakfast - Full IPD English breakfast
Snack - Cucumber spread with boursin
Lunch - Spicy pork belly ribs
Dinner - Leek Spaghetti with Smoked Salmon and Capers (think this is from the forum, will check it out asap!)

Breakfast - Full IPD English breakfast
Snack - Celery with Cream Cheese
Lunch - Thai Green Prawn Curry (recipe to follow) with a Lemon cheesecake to follow (well it is Sunday!!! (dessert in the pink book page 196)
Dinner - Onion Bhajia Naanwich (Bee's book)

If any of the regular recipes calls for sugar, I either leave it out or add the equivalent in sugar substitute.

Each day I aim to drink my 8 large glasses of water, no coffee, no tea and - dare I say it - NO ALCOHOL!!!! I'm also going to aim to walk for 30 minutes a day!

Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck Julie. It sounds like alovely menu! Have you tried Icelandic Char yet? We had some at my friend Jo's yesterday and it was lovely. It is a like a cross between salmon and trout and was lovely! Apparently you can get it at Tesco's and it's only about £1 a fillet! I loved it and I think you would too!

  2. It all sounds yummy, Julie! Good luck!


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