Thursday, 1 January 2009


Happy New Year everyone!

I really enjoy my blogging and do you know, its been a year since I started to blog about my low carb way of eating. I am a stone lighter now than I was this time last year and much healthier and happier too boot!

Now remember this blog was started as more of an online personal food diary, a one stop shop for all my foodie stuff, the photos aren't always great, the recipes may not read that well but the food is all tried and tested. If you have a question or query, or you need me to amend something, don't hesitate to contact me as I check my emails daily and will get back to you asap!

If you are looking to start a low carb diet this year there's no better diet (IMHO) than Neris & India's Idiot Proof diet, with its online support group, no better cookbook (MHO) than Neris & India's Idiot proof diet cookbook and if you're looking for a little book of snacks & Lunches, Bee Rawlinson's is the one you need. I now have 254 IPD friendly recipes on here so there's plenty to get you started.
We will be starting a two week strict phase 1 on Monday 5th January so why not come and join in. I will post the first weeks menu in a day or two.

Here's to a happy and healthy 2009!


  1. Happy New Year Julie! May it be the best ever for you and yours!

  2. Hi there and happy new year! I just started the IPD today (cliche I know but I didn't want to not drink Champagne last night and in my defence didn't want to wait until Monday!) and came across your blog while doing some research on recipes. I look forward to getting lots of ideas and advice from your site.

    By the way, what is "the pink book"? I would like to get hold of the salmon broccoli bake recipe. Thanks!

  3. Hi Wei Sic Meow. Welcome to a low carb way of eating. If you click on the green links in this post they will take you to the low carb forum and where and how to get hold of the books. Any questions feel free to email me. Address is to the right of my daily posts.
    best wishes


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