Sunday, 21 December 2008

The view @ my kitchen window

Even though I follow a low carb diet, my kitchen will see me prepare the same Christmas menu that I have cooked for the past 19 years....any change/obmission could start a full scale family row that could last for years!! I enjoy it all and then do a two week phase 1 to make amends in January. Christmas is such a special time of year I don't want to compromise....that's what the rest of the year is all about (but then again, when I say compromise...hey, you've seen how I eat....not exactly a hardship is it?? lol)

On to my Christmas menu...

We start with sherry and eat our sausage & bacon rolls as snacks before dinner, then its on to the roast turkey, homemade cranberry stuffing, bacon rolls made with my butchers sausages (if there's any left), goose fat roast potatoes and parsnips, glazed carrots, sprouts which have been pan fried in pancetta, thyme and chestnuts, gravy and loads of cranberry sauce (all homemade of course!).

For dessert there is a choice of my homemade Christmas pudding with a sweet white sauce for the grown ups and / or homemade profiteroles and chocolate sauce for children or greedy adults lol.

The cheeseboard and port is on hold until supper time (we have been known to still be at the table by this time!!!!) and coffee and bittersweet chocolate mints with a bailey's chaser is available when you're ready!

It does mean that I don't even have to think about it and after so many years I can do it standing on my head with my eyes closed (not to be recommended....especially after a couple of sherries) but my lot are creatures of habit. lol

Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. Julie, your menu sounds lovely!!! I am having much the same thing, except my stuffing will be a little different and there's no alcohol! Happy Christmas to you all!!

  2. Your menu plans sound yummy, Julie! Sounds like you all are going to have a wonderful day!


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