Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Before & After

I've never really been big, at 5' 2" with a small frame I've never been more than a size 12, but excess weight shows quickly on me and the effects are very qucikly noticed. My knees and back are the first to suffer if I'm overwieght. In the first photo I'm 10st 4lbs, in the second I've lost 16lbs . I feel so much better, my knees don't hurt and I have much more energy, I also eat a much healthier diet, lots of green vegetables, no processed food and plenty of water .


  1. Skinny bugger.

    I mean well done Julie. You look great girl.

  2. Well done you - but you looked fine before anyway! Not at all fat.

  3. hahaha Chris. You took the words right out of my mouth! Well done Julie!


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