Thursday, 21 August 2008

The morning after the night before!

Just what we needed, a cooked breakfast...hassle free in my large rectangular baker, no spitting no splashes, no grill, no smoke detectors going off...just bung in the sausages and go and slurp coffee till the timer goes off, bung in the bacon and return to the chair (you not the breckie)...last in are the eggs...2 minutes later you have a perfectly cooked breakfast.

My guests were very pleased...and so was I!


  1. Delicious looking as always Tulip!

  2. I have one of these pans and I love, love, love it! They are also great for making lasagne in! Great looking breakfast! Much love, Raquel XO

  3. Oh I miss english bacon but Sue, (of Back to the Table) found a really good supplier here in the states. She was even good enough to send me some. Wait till I get back it will be bacon sarnies galore. I like the look of the stoneware, I went to a PC demo and they made a pizza in one it ws really nice. I was surprised that the base was so crisp.


  4. That definitely looks like a great breakfast!

  5. That looks so delicious! Another great use for my Pampered Chef Stoneware (which I love).

    A question though.. what temperature did you cook it at?

    - HeatherFeather

  6. Hi Anon - I cooked it at 180c Fan!

  7. Sorry Heather....didn't register that it was you. How you doing, haven't heard from you for a while?


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