Sunday, 17 August 2008

Bee's scotch eggs.

My eggs must have been larger or my sausage meat thicker than Bee as I only managed 4 with a little sausage meat left over!

The key to these is in the sausage meat, get the best you can, it will make a huge difference!

Delicious hot, great cold, ideal for picnics or lunch on the go.

Next time I'm going to go all up market and make them using quail eggs...very po-shhh!!!


  1. Oh Julie they look fab, I was drooling at these.

  2. ohh, very posh with Quails eggs. These look very delicious Julie. Can you believe I have never eaten a Scotch Egg, but I would eat one of those that you show here. They look wonderful!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love scotch eggs. These look fantastic. Like the idea of the quails eggs

  5. Oh, yummo Tulip. I love Scotch eggs and yours look mighty tasty.

  6. I haven't had scotch eggs for ages. My husband loves these - they look delicious.

  7. I love scotch eggs! Yours look delicious - I have never been pooshh with quails eggs fact I have never tried a quails egg!


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