Wednesday, 9 July 2008

A Simple Bacon & Cheese Omlette

Fluffy eggs, french lardon's with grated mature cheddar

I'm working 3 jobs at the moment, life is busy, not much time for anything else, hence the blog hasn't been updated for days. I am still eating well, just old familiars as that take the least amount of time to get into the lunchbox or on to the table. I'm now home for lunch for two days and out for 3 so I will start to make a little more effort to cook and post.


  1. I don't usually like omelettes but those photos make yours look delicious.

  2. Your omelette looks delicious as always Tulip. I don't know how you are managing to keep 3 jobs afloat. I am going to start calling you Wonder Woman!

  3. Wonder Woman indeed! I have one job and have trouble keeping up with it! That omlette looks fabulous!


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