Saturday, 28 June 2008


Received an email from Weemam while I was a way, this is what she said.

This is pictures of my salmon feta bake ( Bee's )

I did this one with bacon bits and mushrooms.
Not good enough pictures for your blog but I wanted you to see them - Weemam xx

I beg to differ Weemam....they both look truly scrumptious!


  1. I beg to differ too Tulip, that salmon dish looks so tasty and good.

  2. That looks great Weemam - I must try it!

  3. Hiya Tulip weemam here , thank you so much for putting my pictures on your blog , Bee has made this WOL so easy for me , xx

  4. No probs Weemam! I agree, she (Bee)is an absolute star!!


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