Friday, 4 April 2008

Cleochatra's Best Ever Revol-Oopsie Rolls

This was before they went into the oven..they look like meringues don't they?

But afterwards they looked like tortoise shells...WOW!
They looked very fragile to me and I did wonder if they would withstand a filling and a pair of maudlin hands wrapped round them, but once cooled they firmed up and held together really well. I was very careful cutting them and filling them but it went like a dream. These are going to be so useful, I already have a list of things I want to fill them with...Grainne's burgers, Bee's chicken name but a few!

Cleochatra's Oopsie Rolls


  1. Those look very interesting, Julie.

  2. They are! Not bread like in texture or looks but does the job of bread perfectly! I had a bacon buttie for breakfast...Yummy!

  3. Those look good and very interesting Julie. I looked at that other page and her burger she made with them looks fabulous! I guess it's kind of like having your cake and eating it too!

  4. Tulip - how much splenda did you use as I'm not sure what a packet is?
    They look very interesting and I'll definitely try them - thanks

  5. I don't really like using splenda but the recipe called for it so I put it in...not sure how much a packet contains but I just put a teaspoon in and they turned out fine

  6. i think i'll give these a try. fancy a buttie now and again and these would hit the spot.

  7. ok, i've made them. they turned out fine except i think the mixture may have been slightly too loose - i used 4 small eggs instead of 3 large. i quite like the taste, but will omit the splenda next time as i don't think they need to have that sweet edge. might experiment with adding some herbs or spices??

  8. These look delicious Tulip and have pasted it into my ever-growing file of IPD recipes but what on earth is 300 degrees, guess it's fahrenheit but what did you do - 180? Granny Sue

  9. Granny Sue, My convertor says 300F = 150c so thats what I cooked them on in my fan oven.


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