Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Made up Fish Dish

Not sure which photo I like best, so I will post them both. My fridge looks like it belongs to old mother hubbard...we are going away at the weekend so I haven't done much shopping and the poor old cupboard is bear!!! This is what we got for tea last night.

Shredded cabbage stir fried in butter, smoked haddock poached in a little water then stirred into an IPD cheese sauce made with philly and parmasan (that's all I had) I topped it with baby
tomatoes and crushed black pepper. Surprisingly nice to say it was a throw together....very tasty!


  1. What a wonderful variety of tastes, textures and colour! I hope it tasted as good as it looks!

  2. Marie, it was a taste sensation!!!

  3. Looks good! Thanks for the lovely photos on your blog. I've ordered Bee's book from Amazon and can't wait for it to arrive.


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