Thursday, 13 March 2008

Made up Dessert

I fancied a dessert tonight, so I whipped up some double cream added some 85% dark chocolate and mixed, then I left it in the fridge to set, before serving I added a few tasted like felt. Yep you read that right, felt, chocolate flavoured felt!!!! What a strange texture, don't know what happened to it, the cream was fresh and the chocolate was melted properly. Doesn't really matter either way, we still ate it and sort of enjoyed it too!!! LOL - Very chocolate-y and sort of moreish!!! Apparently, (Paul did the dishwasher tonight) the little bit that I left in the bowl was very mousse when it had been left on the side for an hour. So maybe its best eaten at room temperature!! ;-p


  1. Makes me want to be very bad actually! I baked some lovely creme pattiserie filled raisin snails yesterday afternoon for the Young Women that were to die for. I got to stop doing that to myself.

  2. Yes you do, especially if you want to lose weight! Have you read the book yet?

  3. Hi Tulip. Just wondered where you found that very good poll thing to put on your blog? The one about how much we missed the forum. I've got a question I want to ask on my blog and that application would be brilliant.


  4. I leatuceleaf, if you go into customise, the add page element, then its the first choice on the right hand site of the list. Hope that makes sense?

  5. I made a poll for my blog today!

    Vote for a wedding cake

    Thanks Tulip

    Lisa x

  6. Hi Lisa, I've just taken a look at your blog and voted for the pink tulip...obviously!!! :-p

  7. Thanks Tulip. I'll go and have a look now. BTW Meatball Strog looks yummy!



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