Monday, 14 January 2008

Curried Parsnip and Apple Soup

Photo to follow...

1lb 8 oz small parnips
1 medium apple
2 tsp ground cumin
2 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp ground cardamon
1 1/2 oz butter
1 tblsp vegetable oil
2 medium onions
2 cloves garlic
1 tsp tumeric
1 tsp ground ginger
2 pints of good stock
salt and pepper to taste

This is lovely soup, the sweetness of the parsnips and the texture of the apple goes really well together. I pre-roast the diced parsnips in a little oil when the oven is on for something else, I cook them and keep in the fridge until I'm ready to make the soup.

Melt the butter and oil in a pan,
Add the onions and garlic and saute for 5 minutes until the onions are soft
Add the spices and cook for a further 2 minutes
Add the pre-roasted parsnips and stir to mix all the spices with the parsnips
Now stir in the stock and bring to a simmer for 30 minutes or until heated right through.
Blend until smooth, you may need to add a little more stock at this point as the parsnips tend to go a little thick. Let it down till you reach the consistency that you like.
Season to taste
Add the peeled and grated apple 5 minutes before serving, heat through for 2-3 minutes only then serve.

I have re-heated this soup the next day for lunch quite successfully, however the apple looses its crunchy texture and goes soft, but it's still has a great flavour!

1 comment:

  1. Great minds must think alike as I made a spicy parsnip soup on Saturday for Todd's lunch. I love parsnips in any way shape or form. We didn't have them when I was a child as my mother hated them for some strange reason!!!


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